China Daily 6 月中英双语热词汇总
travel alert
The alert from the education ministry states that the visa applications of some Chinese hoping to study in the United States have recently been restricted, with an extended review process, shortened validity period, and an increased rejection rate, which have affected their plans to study in the United States or the completion of their studies there.
China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era
国家主席习近平 5 日在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京会谈。两国元首高度评价建交 70 年来双边关系发展,一致同意秉持睦邻友好、合作共赢理念,发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系(China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era),将两国关系提升到更高水平,更好惠及两国人民和世界人民。
new energy vehicle
China has released a guideline to encourage the consumption of new energy vehicles (NEVs) to promote high-quality development of the sector and form a strong domestic market.
chipping pets
深圳市城市管理和综合执法局表示,2019 年下半年,深圳将开始为全市所有犬只注射芯片。
The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and inserted underneath the dog's skin right between the shoulder blades, according to Feng Zengjun, deputy director of Shenzhen Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. "The chip can migrate on the pet's body and poses no harm to the dogs."
hospice care
China hopes to soon expand an end-of-life care program across the country after a successful pilot program, the National Health Commission said.
global representative of China's giant pandas
A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis, has become the official global representative of China's giant pandas.
STAR Market
China inaugurated its Nasdaq-like STAR Market, also known as the sci-tech innovation board, at the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Thursday, kicking off the country's much-anticipated capital market reform.
6 月 13 日,科创板在上海证券交易所开板,拉开了我国期待已久的资本市场改革序幕。
garbage sorting
《上海市生活垃圾管理条例》将于 7 月 1 日正式开始实施。该条例在建立健全全程分类体系的同时,分设了促进源头减量和资源化处理专章,将管理范畴延伸到两端,涵盖了全链条。
decoupling reform
The decoupling reform was first advanced in July 2015 after the general plan was issued. In three pilot programs over the following three years, 422 national associations and 5,318 provincial industrial associations were decoupled from administrative organs, which account for more than 50 percent of the overall industrial associations.
脱钩改革总体方案于 2015 年 7 月提出,在之后的三年中推出了三批试点,共有 422 家全国性协会和 5318 家省级协会实现与行政机关脱钩,均超过应脱钩协会总数的 50%。
subway train with varying temperatures
In a bid to ease complaints and accommodate passengers' needs in the hot summer months of Beijing, Subway Line 6 is now offering train services with varying temperatures.
炎热夏季,为了应对乘客的抱怨、满足乘客需求,北京地铁 6 号线推出“同车不同温”服务。
improper place names
The Ministry of Civil Affairs on Friday instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.
high-temperature subsidy
根据《防暑降温措施管理办法》,劳动者在温度 35℃ 以上的户外露天作业(workers exposed to outdoor temperatures above 35℃)或在温度 33℃ 以上的室内工作场所工作(work indoors in temperatures above 33℃)时,用人单位应当向劳动者发放高温津贴(high-temperature subsidies)。
generic drugs
The National Health Commission has released a list of suggested generic drugs to treat serious diseases including AIDS and leukemia.
Olympic bidding overhaul
The International Olympic Committee outlined plans to overhaul the bidding process for future Games, stating that cities interested in hosting the Games should hold referendums before submitting official tenders to avoid having to withdraw their candidacy at a later date.
income tax exemptions
China further clarified taxable items among individual earnings, with 11 sources of income exempted from taxation, according to a policy announcement issued by the Ministry of Finance and State Taxation Administration on Tuesday.
6 月 25 日,财政部和国家税务总局发布政策公告,进一步明确了个人收入中的可征税项目,以及 11 类免于征税的收入来源。
【来源于:China Daily】