2019 年三大英语词典年度热词居然都与“它”有关?
不知不觉又到了进行年终总结的时候。每年年底,各大词典都会根据词语流行度、广泛知名度、用户查询率等标准总结评选出 “word of the year”(年度热词)。toxic(有毒的)、feminism(女权主义)、fake news(假新闻)这些大家耳熟能详的词语也曾经斩获过前几年年度热词的桂冠。
目前,牛津词典、剑桥词典和柯林斯词典已经发布了 2019 年的年度热词,让我们一起来围观一下今年有哪些词语上榜吧!
牛津词典:climate emergency (气候紧急事件)
据《卫报》报道,《牛津词典》宣布 climate emergency (气候紧急事件) 为2019年年度词汇。
此前,“气候紧急事件”的使用增加了 100 倍,并表示这表明我们谈论气候的方式“更加直接”。
Oxford Dictionaries has declared “climate emergency” the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a “greater immediacy” in the way we talk about the climate.
牛津词典将其定义为“需要采取紧急行动以减少或停止气候变化,并避免由此造成的不可逆转的环境破坏(“a situation in which urgent action is required to reduce or halt climate change and avoid potentially irreversible environmental damage resulting from it”)”。
(2018 年 9 月-2019 年 9 月,每十亿单词中“气候紧急事件”出现的频率
牛津词典表示,该词已从“相对不为人知”飙升至“2019 年最引人注目的、备受争议的词汇之一”。
Oxford said the words soared from “relative obscurity” to “one of the most prominent – and prominently debated – terms of 2019.”
剑桥词典网站日前发布消息称 upcycling(升级回收)被确定为 2019 年度词汇。这个词指的是将无用及不需要的产品,转化为质量更好或具有环境价值的新材料或产品。
Upcycling was chosen as the ‘Word of the Day’ which resonated most strongly with followers on the Dictionary’s Instagram account. It received more likes than any other ‘Word of the Day’ when shared on 4 July 2019.
2019 年 7 月 4 日,剑桥词典在 Instagram 账户上分享这个词汇时,它获得的点赞量超过其他所有的“每日一词”。
自 2011 年 12 月首次被收入剑桥词典网站以来,“升级回收”一词的搜索量增长了 181%,仅去年一年的搜索量就增加了一倍。
其他相关词汇也入围了 2019 年度词汇,反映了对于气候变化影响担忧:
carbon sink 碳汇
compostable 可堆肥的
A recent addition is the noun plastic footprint, defined as a measurement of the amount of plastic that someone uses and then discards, considered in terms of the resulting damage caused to the environment.
柯林斯词典:climate strike (气候罢工)
A form of protest in which people absent themselves from education or work in order to join demonstrations demanding action to counter climate change.
climate strike (气候罢工)是一种抗议形式,指人们罢课或罢工参加示威活动,要求政府采取行动应对气候变化。
柯林斯词典编纂者发现,与2018年相比,今年这个词的使用频率增加了 100倍,于是 climate strike 当之无愧地当选 2019 年度词汇。
Alongside "climate strike", Collins has also added the term "rewilding", the practice of returning land to a wild state.