China Daily 1 月中英双语热词汇总
2020 年 1 月,一年一度的春运大幕开启,中美签署第一阶段经贸协议,习近平主席出访缅甸,续写千年胞波情谊的崭新篇章,教育部推出“强基计划”,长江流域分阶段禁渔开始实施,武汉等城市出现新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎,美国取消对中国“汇率操纵国”的认定,国务院发布新版限塑令。
只争朝夕,不负韶华 seize the day and live it to the fullest
President Xi Jinping on Tuesday delivered a New Year speech in Beijing to ring in 2020, pledging to achieve the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in the "milestone" year.
新年前夕,国家主席习近平发表了 2020 年新年贺词。贺词指出,2020 年是具有里程碑意义的一年。我们将全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标。
校园贷 campus loans
College students who fall into debt as a result of using peer-to-peer lending platforms cannot be included in a list of dishonest debtors, China's top court said on Thursday.
最高法 1 月 2 日表示,在校大学生因为使用网贷平台而欠债的不应被列为失信被执行人。
地区生产总值统一核算 unified regional calculation of gross domestic product
China will introduce unified regional calculation of gross domestic product (GDP) to enhance the accuracy of the results, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Sunday.
国家统计局 1 月 5 日表示,我国将实施地区生产总值统一核算,以提升核算结果的精确性。
The new accounting system will take effect while calculating the annual regional GDP of 2019, said Ning Jizhe, head of the NBS.
国家统计局局长宁吉喆说,统一核算改革将从 2019 年年度地区生产总值核算开始。
拖欠工资 wage arrears
国务院总理李克强日前签署国务院令,公布《保障农民工工资支付条例》(以下简称《条例》),自 2020 年 5 月 1 日起施行。
To ensure that rural migrant workers get their wages on time and in full, the regulation has clauses on clarifying the responsibilities of employers and related government departments, detailing rules for special areas and strengthening supervision.
春运 Spring Festival travel rush
From Jan 10 to Feb 18, the total number of trips is likely to hit 3 billion, slightly up from the travel rush last year, with an 8-percent growth in train trips, 8.4-percent increase in air trips and 9.6-percent hike in waterway trips, according to a forecast from the National Development and Reform Commission.
国家发改委表示,今年春运从 1 月 10 日持续至 2 月 18 日,预计全国旅客发送量将达到约 30 亿人次,铁路旅客同比增长 8%,民航增长 8.4%,水路旅客增长 9.6%。
家用电器安全使用年限 standard life spans for home appliances
China unveiled its first set of standard life spans for home appliances on Friday to fend off safety risks and promote energy consciousness.
1 月 10 日,我国发布了首套家用电器安全使用年限,以消除安全隐患,提高人们的节能意识。
汇率操纵国 currency manipulator
In its semiannual Report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States, the Treasury Department said no major US trading partner at this time met the relevant legislative criteria for currency manipulation.
中美第一阶段经贸协议 China-US phase-one economic and trade agreement
当地时间 1 月 15 日,美国总统特朗普在白宫椭圆形办公室会见中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、中美全面经济对话中方牵头人刘鹤,双方共同出席中美第一阶段经贸协议签署仪式。
付费测试 paywall trial
Some official accounts will be able to charge readers for original content, WeChat said. The content creators can price articles from 1 yuan to 208 yuan, and WeChat will not take a cut on the revenues during the trial period.
微信团队表示,部分公众平台可以对原创稿件开通付费功能,运营者可在 1-208元之间的价格档位选择合适的定价,测试期间微信方面不会从中分成。
限塑令 plastics ban
《关于进一步加强塑料污染治理的意见》 1 月 19 日发布。意见明确,到 2020年,率先在部分地区、部分领域禁止、限制部分塑料制品的生产、销售和使用。
The document has set step-by-step timelines to reduce the use of single-use, non-degradable plastics and parcel packaging in the next five years .
新型冠状病毒 novel coronavirus
pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus /
novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia
confirmed case
suspected case
patient in critical condition
fatality rate
close contact
be under medical observation
【整理自:China Daily】