画蛇添足:gild the lily
例句:Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?
树大招风:Tall trees catch much wind.
例句:President Obama has been criticized for his policy. Tall trees catch much wind.
金玉其外:All is not gold that glitters.
例句:Don't be taken in by his stories about all the famous people he knows. Remember that all is not gold that glitters.
十万火急:in hot haste;
例句:We arrived at the station in hot haste.
力不从心:my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak;
例句:I would like to climb the mountain but at my age the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
纸上谈兵:be an armchair strategist;
例句:Through the interviews to the officials from three sides, we can see the Olympic Gyms Tour still be an armchair strategist.
入乡随俗:Do in Rome as the Romans do;
例句:You are in China you will do in Rome as the Romans do.
七上八下:at sixes and sevens;
例句:I am at sixes and sevens about what to do.
千载难逢:once in a blue moon
例句:It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.
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